There going to get rid of clothes! It's bad enough the MSP staff got rid of clothes before but now they're getting rid of MORE O.O What if they start taking away good clothes, EEEEEK! It's SO unfair there taking our clothes away, this is only what I think though, but it's sort of obvious because it has a big sticker on it saying: LAST CHANCE. *accent* I don't like it!
Welcome to my blog!
Friday, 31 August 2012
Getting rid of clothes now!?
There going to get rid of clothes! It's bad enough the MSP staff got rid of clothes before but now they're getting rid of MORE O.O What if they start taking away good clothes, EEEEEK! It's SO unfair there taking our clothes away, this is only what I think though, but it's sort of obvious because it has a big sticker on it saying: LAST CHANCE. *accent* I don't like it!
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
The little angel......
Monday, 27 August 2012
Friday, 24 August 2012
Thursday, 23 August 2012
New Comp x
Hi guys and good morning, well it's not really the morning any more, so should I say good afternoon? Anyway, lets get to what I'm going to say, there's a new competition! Yes thats right, and this time it is......SPLASH MANIA........WHAT!? Why can't it be one I like for once! The clothes aren't very good, I like the animations though, especially the smiley balloooooooooooooooooooooooooon! *random*
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
The New Update! x
About the new update.......
1. We can look at our profiles again, FINALLY!
That's so strange, I think that there are movie stars on the login page O.o
3. There's a new VIP package, if you want my honest opinion, I think it's really bad! But the pet is quite cute, like this kitten > >^.^<
4. When you click on news the way it's set out is diffrent......dun, dun, dun O.o
5. I can't show you this because it's a sound, it's really annoying, when you click on certain stuff it makes a sound, it's usually "pop!" but can be different, depends what you click. This has already annoying me, but I know how to fix it......turn the sound of on MSP, I know, I'm a clever genius, aren't I? Ok, ok, no need to brag about it xD
6. There's new stuff in the diamond shop, only one is useful for me, the 3 new things are.......get a diamond profile, this costs 15 diamonds and only last for a week, don't buy it, in my's a waste of diamonds. The second new thing is to grow your pet to it's full size.....INSTANTLY, this costs 10 diamonds, not very useful to me, I only have one pet that's at it's full size. The 3rd one is to change your pet, which I have to admit, is pretty EPIC, this costs 6 diamonds, but I'm not going to buy it, I think with my 10 diamonds I'm going to buy hair that's 6 diamonds, don't know what I will spend my last 4 on though! xD
That's all the updates, I think that's the last of my posts today since this one was EXTRA long and also I want to get on and play MSP now, so bye guys, see you tommorow!
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
OK guys! I got some good news......and some bad :-/
First the good news: My arbook had the 7th most loves on the WHOLE of MSP for that week!
Now.....the bad news: The week ended yesterday so now it's not on the high scores :(
But no need to worry because I still have.....680.......loves on my artbook, OMG!
P.S. Thank you too eveyone who supported people with cancer! Your so caring and kind if you did!
First the good news: My arbook had the 7th most loves on the WHOLE of MSP for that week!
Now.....the bad news: The week ended yesterday so now it's not on the high scores :(
But no need to worry because I still have.....680.......loves on my artbook, OMG!
P.S. Thank you too eveyone who supported people with cancer! Your so caring and kind if you did!
Sunday, 19 August 2012
Caring Curry10
This kind, caring girl on MSP (Username: Curry10) is joining in taking her hair off to support people with cancer, she made an artbook about taking your hair off to support people with cancer but unfortunately many people were unserportive so Curry10 had to delete the artbook, I think this is rather unfair, so please don't do the same, join in, take off your hair to show you care! x Thank you Curry10 for carrying on taking off your hair even with what happened.
- laura7711
- laura7711
YAY, I got some time to put some posts on my blog and go on MSP, going to check how many loves I have got on my artbook, hopefully more people are supporting by loving it!
Sorry x
Sorry I wasn't on the computer yesterday yesterday, I'm afraid I won't be on today either because I'm busy, busy, BUSY! Sorry, maybe come on later? But only if I get the time, OK? Bye now x
- laura7711
- laura7711
Friday, 17 August 2012
Sorry guys x
Hi guys, just posting this quickly to say I may not be able to post anything tommorow as I am out all day, but don't give your hopes up, you never know, I could post one quickly in the morning before I leave! x
Disaster Wedding, Part 2!
Disaster Wedding!
This is so weird, I'm at lottiedolls house for Lucky Lily's wedding but the bride and groom are no where to be seen, I've been waiting for about 5 minutes now and there still not here, maybe there waiting for most people to leave so it isn't so busy or maybe it's all a fake that it's there just so peple don't go to there real wedding and they only told close friends where it truly is, oh well I'll stay for a while just to see if they do turn up, here's a picture of how crowded it is there below this text.
- laura7711
P.S. I don't think this is actually where the wedding is :S
- laura7711
P.S. I don't think this is actually where the wedding is :S
Can't think of any posts to add to the blog right now, I'm just on MSP watching Little Miss Lozy's movies to help her get fame but other then that I'm not doing something, I really wanna just have a nice long chat with one of my friends :S
- laura7711
P.S. Little Miss Lozy's movies are really good!
- laura7711
P.S. Little Miss Lozy's movies are really good!
- laura7711
P.S. Thank you if you were on of those kind people who loved it, and even more thanks if you shared it! x
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Little Miss Lozy
Before I started support for cancer x |
Diamond Status
-dogs out-
Thank you so much!
Just want to say thank you to everyone who's joining in with taking there hair of for cancer and not much thanks to the people who are refusing, but I guess they still care but won't do everything to support those poor people, look I got......try and guess how many loves I got (ha ha, I covered it up so you couldn't see the number :p), by the way this is only the next day from when I made it at 11:30 am...........if you guessed 57 your correct! WOW, 57 loves in only one day and a quarter, thank you so much guys for supporting those poor people so much!
P.S. I'm really getting the hang of this blog now and only one day ago I was wondering, once I had made the account, how to actually make a blog!
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Celeb Look - Alike!
I'm bored so I'm going to make a celeb look alike, by the way I got this idea from: too cold outside, hope she's OK with me borrowing it :S I'm going to try doing......Katy Perry!
I'll do the face features we go:
![]() |
The make up is based on this picture! |
I know I failed but here it is, this costs 1100sc! |
Here's the clothes, costing 2150sc I based them on the outfit that Katy Perry's wearing below! |
![]() |
Based on this outfit! |
I hope you enjoyed looking at my celeb look - alike! I will make another one soon!
My MSP account
Hi, I have an account on MSP, if you want to add me I'm called: laura7711, by the way I only made this blog today!
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