Welcome to my blog!

Sunday, 21 October 2012


This is Athiya786, she has been so kind lately, watching sm's, giving me autos, and all the other stuff, and I wanted to thank her so much x So please, if your this girl's friend or if you ever see her atleast bother to give her a quick hello, and generally be nice, she deserves it x

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Recent News :D

Hi guys! Sorry I haven't posted a post in a while now...(but don't worry bloggeh! I haven't forgotten about you) I want to just write some things that's been happening lately on MSP :)

Okay, so first of all, this is my first time experiencing a special edition of MSP (I think you could call it that, couldn't you?) Anyway, they've done up MSP to suit the Halloween theme (ooh) which I hear happens every year, but this is the first time I've actually experienced it myself!

Secondly, check out this EPIC person, who gave me my first special greeting! So thankyou to mia chou for that, it's really kind of you! It would be nice if a few more people were as kind as mia chou, there already is but maybe a few more? It would make my day :D
An epic diamond profile to!
Click to enlarge
Thirdly, if anyone wants 3 WISHYS or a SPECIAL GREETING then check out my new artbook for rules to win it! :) I was also hoping to get a few more people to join in ; so if you fancy getting 3 wishys or a special greeting then message moi :) and remember to read rules!
Proof I can pay for a special greeting, mwa ha ha xD

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

New Layout!

Hi guys! I hope you like the new set out based on "pastel sweets" I think I like this one better, mainly because it's based on something where as my last one was just stuff I thought looked goof, so yeah, I hope you like it as much as I do, message me on MSP what you think! So that's all for now, byee! x :-)
So here's a picture of a bit of  the top bit of my blog of the new set out of my blog! ;)

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Sooooo annoying!

OMG! This is soooo annoying, I want to make a new banner for this blog as the one I have isn't that good/stylish but everything keeps going wrong when I try! At first I was okay and I knew what I was doing but then I deleted it all because I'd had a different idea, I left it for loads of days and felt like doing it today, my plan was: To make it then to "shazzle/dazzle" it up by going on Blingee (I got some pictures posted where I've edited it on Blingee, it's a good website, useful for me) so I started doing it then accidentally clicked on something that made me go of the artbook, luckily when I went back on it, it came up with "do you want to save this artbook" I clicked yes then once it had done it I went back on it...I stared at my screen in horror, it had taken all the clothes of everyone of my avatars on there! So I think I'm just going to do something more simple since nothing will go my way! I hope you like it when I change it!
- laura7711
   x   x   x

Saturday, 15 September 2012

For all my true friends x

IMPORTANT: This is dedicated for my friends because I haven't had the time recently to tell all my true friends how much they mean to me. Read it and read it carefully ;)
Surrounded By Angels

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Anastasia15 x

This beautiful girl you see in the picture above, Antastasia15, has been extremely nice to me, I'm making this post about her because she's never been in a blog before and wanted to be in one but mainly because she's been putting me in movies and giving me autos, everyday, I would love it if people could me more like Anastasia15 and be less self-centred, although a few of my special friends aren't, by helping (not just me) people level up and with there money on MSP, just want to say big thank you to Anastasia15 and I wanted it to be big...so I posted it on my blog x
Especially for Anastasia15,
- laura7711

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Level 11, finally!

Big announcement to make guys.......I FINALLY GOT TO LEVEL 11! Thanks to all the people who helped me get there, and not much thanks to the people who didn't help at all......may delete them, but lets get back to the good stuff, WOO HOO, I GOT TO LEVEL 11 ON MSP! *dancing*

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Light Bulb!

I've had a.....light bulb!....I've realised for quite long your probably getting bored of my blog because I haven't been putting new things on, that's because there's been nothing exciting going on on MSP, so if you like you can post me your story's so I can put them on the blog! Just ask me and message me the story and I will post it up as quickly as I can!

Friday, 31 August 2012

Getting rid of clothes now!?

There going to get rid of clothes! It's bad enough the MSP staff got rid of clothes before but now they're getting rid of MORE O.O What if they start taking away good clothes, EEEEEK! It's SO unfair there taking our clothes away, this is only what I think though, but it's sort of obvious because it has a big sticker on it saying: LAST CHANCE. *accent* I don't like it!

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

The little angel......

Okay, this is going to sound really weird but.....I only found out how to go close up to the screen on MSP today! I know, you think I know everything, well it's a rumour! People have told me before how to do it, but the way they said it, it didn't work, this is what they said: "drag your name down to the bottom of your screen and let go" I tried LOADS of times, it's never worked, then this little angel came along, her name: Nina7473, she told me how to do it, and this way worked for me, she said "drage your name to the bottom of your screen and press space bar" and it actually worked......O.O, here a picture of the little angel and MEH! (One of them is us up at the front of the screen)

Monday, 27 August 2012

♥ helen eren ♥

Ok, since I haven't been up to anything exciting recently I decided to post about someone, very kind, and the reason this person is totes FANTABITOCOUS is because she will trade almost ANY of her clothes with you, and she's very kind because of it :)

Friday, 24 August 2012

Smiley Me!

▼ Okay, today I'm feeling smiley! So I sent lots of people smiley faces xD Look, check it out ▼
Smiley Me!

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Lozy Lvl Up Success!

Look at the cute status about me! Awww!
OMG, Little Miss Lozy's level 6! WOO, check out the picture, and if your looking at this Little Miss Lozy, then I put a video of the one, the only the.......Carlton *dull voice*...........doing a special dance for you ;)

New Comp x

Hi guys and good morning, well it's not really the morning any more, so should I say good afternoon? Anyway, lets get to what I'm going to say, there's a new competition! Yes thats right, and this time it is......SPLASH MANIA........WHAT!? Why can't it be one I like for once! The clothes aren't very good, I like the animations though, especially the smiley balloooooooooooooooooooooooooon! *random*

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

The New Update! x

About the new update.......
1. We can look at our profiles again, FINALLY!

That's so strange, I think that there are movie stars on the login page O.o

 << Login page << Just compare the photos for proof >> Look someone made of him >>
3. There's a new VIP package, if you want my honest opinion, I think it's really bad! But the pet is quite cute, like this kitten >     >^.^<

4. When you click on news the way it's set out is diffrent......dun, dun, dun O.o

5. I can't show you this because it's a sound, it's really annoying, when you click on certain stuff it makes a sound, it's usually "pop!" but can be different, depends what you click. This has already annoying me, but I know how to fix it......turn the sound of on MSP, I know, I'm a clever genius, aren't I? Ok, ok, no need to brag about it xD

6. There's new stuff in the diamond shop, only one is useful for me, the 3 new things are.......get a diamond profile, this costs 15 diamonds and only last for a week, don't buy it, in my opinion.....it's a waste of diamonds. The second new thing is to grow your pet to it's full size.....INSTANTLY, this costs 10 diamonds, not very useful to me, I only have one pet that's at it's full size. The 3rd one is to change your pet, which I have to admit, is pretty EPIC, this costs 6 diamonds, but I'm not going to buy it, I think with my 10 diamonds I'm going to buy hair that's 6 diamonds, don't know what I will spend my last 4 on though! xD

That's all the updates, I think that's the last of my posts today since this one was EXTRA long and also I want to get on and play MSP now, so bye guys, see you tommorow!


Nooooooo! O.o

Nooooooooooo! O.o
I'm sad, today's the day that I put back on my hair, thank you to everyone who joined in taking their hair off! x
Me with my hair on x

Tuesday, 21 August 2012


OK guys! I got some good news......and some bad :-/
First the good news: My arbook had the 7th most loves on the WHOLE of MSP for that week!
Now.....the bad news: The week ended yesterday so now it's not on the high scores :(
But no need to worry because I still have.....680.......loves on my artbook, OMG!


P.S. Thank you too eveyone who supported people with cancer! Your so caring and kind if you did!

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Caring Curry10

This kind, caring girl on MSP (Username: Curry10) is joining in taking her hair off to support people with cancer, she made an artbook about taking your hair off to support people with cancer but unfortunately many people were unserportive so Curry10 had to delete the artbook, I think this is rather unfair, so please don't do the same, join in, take off your hair to show you care! x Thank you Curry10 for carrying on taking off your hair even with what happened.

- laura7711


OMG THANKYOU! I have 241 loves on my artbook, your so supportive! I never thought this many people would care, it just shows you that there is some good in the world! If you don't beleive me check this out!

- laura7711

P.S. This is the most loves I've had on an artbook ever!


YAY, I got some time to put some posts on my blog and go on MSP, going to check how many loves I have got on my artbook, hopefully more people are supporting by loving it!

Sorry x

Sorry I wasn't on the computer yesterday yesterday, I'm afraid I won't be on today either because I'm busy, busy, BUSY! Sorry, maybe come on later? But only if I get the time, OK? Bye now x
- laura7711

Friday, 17 August 2012

Sorry guys x

Hi guys, just posting this quickly to say I may not be able to post anything tommorow as I am out all day, but don't give your hopes up, you never know, I could post one quickly in the morning before I leave! x

Disaster Wedding, Part 2!

I leave for a couple of minutes and then come back and there is only 1 other person there! Then lottiedoll tells me they went to the mall, I go to check it out but I guess they all went to the mall that was  now full! Great, I miss Lucky Lily's wedding, or what I think is where Lucky Lily's wedding is, I was hoping to get a picture of it for my blog D: Oh well, I'll just have to make to with this dissapointing story. Ok, that's all for the DISASTER (for me) of Lucky Lily's wedding but hey, I guess I still get to post this, and it's more exciting then a wedding is because everyone knows what happens at weddings, but not everyone knows what happens on MSP when I'm around, MWA HA HA xD (random)!

Disaster Wedding!

This is so weird, I'm at lottiedolls house for Lucky Lily's wedding but the bride and groom are no where to be seen, I've been waiting for about 5 minutes now and there still not here, maybe there waiting for most people to leave so it isn't so busy or maybe it's all a fake that it's there just so peple don't go to there real wedding and they only told close friends where it truly is, oh well I'll stay for a while just to see if they do turn up, here's a picture of how crowded it is there below this text.

- laura7711

P.S. I don't think this is actually where the wedding is :S


Can't think of any posts to add to the blog right now, I'm just on MSP watching Little Miss Lozy's movies to help her get fame but other then that I'm not doing something, I really wanna just have a nice long chat with one of my friends :S

- laura7711
P.S. Little Miss Lozy's movies are really good!


OMG, there's 87 loves on my artbook to take off your hair! Lots of people are SO caring, I got 87 and it's only 2 days after I made the artbook, come on, that's got beat a record! I'm so happy. Lets see if we can get it onto the hight scores, not for fame, but so lots of people can see it and think "I'm going to take my hair off too". If you dont believe I have 87 loves because caring, kind, FANTABITOCOUS people have loved it then check out this picture!

- laura7711

P.S. Thank you if you were on of those kind people who loved it, and even more thanks if you shared it! x

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Little Miss Lozy

Before I started support for cancer x
 This is Little Miss Lozy, she's been very kind recently/all the time, helping me with fame, star coins and is joining in with taking her hair off for cancer for a week (like me), please help her to level 6, she deserves it, I will try and help Little Miss Lozy as much as I can when I'm not busy (updating this blog), maybe I should make some times to spend watching her movies, loving her artbooks/looks, I made up my mind, I will, therefore I will not be able to spend as much time updating this blog as I have, but I promise I will put at least 1 post everyday, probably more. I hope you see this post Little Miss Lozy!

- Posted at 20:45 especially for Little Miss Lozy
Supporting cancer patients x

Diamond Status

The diamond status is a waste of your precious diamonds, I don't see why people buy them, especially when there's pointless messages on there, it's just a waste of diamonds! It costs 1 diamond, I've got 10 diamonds left from when I got my VIP, and I'm not wasting them, nuh-uh! Here's a picture of someone who, in my opinion, has wasted there diamonds and put a pointless message on it, I would advise you and funnyfun098 if she looks at my blog not to do this! I was thinking of getting this hair, costing 6 diamonds,  on the picture to the right, but I'm still not sure though, message me on MSP to tell me if I should!
-dogs out-

Caring Cutie

◄This is ella ella123, she's a very caring person as she is taking her hair off for a week to support people with cancer (like me) I hope more people will join us, I thank ella ella123 very much as she is the first one I know about who has told me she will take her hair off for a week ♥

Pixel Power

The new competition is: Pixel Power, I haven't made up my mind whether I like it or not yet, do you like it? Just going to post some pictures of some people who have already gotten into the groove of it!

Thank you so much!

Just want to say thank you to everyone who's joining in with taking there hair of for cancer and not much thanks to the people who are refusing, but I guess they still care but won't do everything to support those poor people, look I got......try and guess how many loves I got (ha ha, I covered it up so you couldn't see the number :p), by the way this is only the next day from when I made it at 11:30 am...........if you guessed 57 your correct! WOW, 57 loves in only one day and a quarter, thank you so much guys for supporting those poor people so much!
P.S. I'm really getting the hang of this blog now and only one day ago I was wondering, once I had made the account, how to actually make a blog!

em1918 Msp Video

(adore the outfit she's wearing!)
Just want to say thank you to em1918 for putting me in her MSP you tube video, my first one I been in! (that I know about anyway) Going to put it here, watch it, it's FANTABITOCOUS! P.S. Look out for me!

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Celeb Look - Alike!

I'm bored so I'm going to make a celeb look alike, by the way I got this idea from: too cold outside, hope she's OK with me borrowing it :S I'm going to try doing......Katy Perry!

The make up is based on this
I know I  failed but here it is, this costs 1100sc!
I'll do the face features first......here we go:                                                                                                       

Here's the clothes, costing 2150sc I based them on the outfit that Katy Perry's wearing below!
Based on this outfit!
I hope you enjoyed looking at my celeb look - alike! I will make another one soon!


I'm getting quite annoyed that, in my opinion, there's been no good competitions recently since the cowboy western one, but that was only OK :S I forgot to enter my look to the competition, oops.
My outfit for the competition!

Supporting people with cancer

Ambey10, me & Athiya786
Today I made this artbook on MSP, about supporting people with cancer, and have been going round getting people to take there hair off, I hope you will join in, here's a picture of me and some other people supporting people with cancer ;)